Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ode To A Bad Hair Day!!

I LOVE a good hair day don't you!?! It just makes everything in the world more manageable like a long line at the coffee shop or impromptu meeting at work...You feel ready and empowered! Well, if your like me you do NOT have those types of days enough! 

Normally I feel like this-

Sometimes I cry!

On the rare occasion my hair makes me laugh-

HEHE, this makes me laugh!

Sometimes, my hair isn't really all that bad but I get bored with my same old same old-

I swear this is just what my hair does!!

The one thing that is always true about a bad hair day though-

Awe, thanks I needed that!

 So, whether you are having a bad hair day or just waiting for the next one to inevitably come, you've got a friend in me, girlfriend! If you feel like you need a bad hair day pick me up or a tiny bit of inspiration here are some new hair "do dahs" at the shop that just might be the thing you need for a perfect do!

Wishes of Love $9.25

Xs and Os $6.00

Beautiful Soft Red Bobbies $10.00

New Life $11.00

Adeline's Bouquet $9.50

When Life Gives You Lemons $8.00

For even more great hair and makeup tips you can visit our sponsor (link at the top left of page). Good luck on all your future hair days!!


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