Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"The Bobbies Formally Known As Boobies"

My sister Sydney.
I often call my sisters Sydney and Madison to see how they are doing and to hear the latest scoop. This weekend was no different from the normal...so I thought. When I called my parents house and Sydney answered the phone with "Hi, Tottie(my nickname, Sydney has always called me this) have you been online today!?!", she tried to not laugh. I said, "No. Why?". Sydney then proceeded to tell me that I had a very, very, interesting typo on my latest Etsy shop listing and that I should check it out.

My sister Madison.
I have been making lots and lots of bobby pins lately and in my haste during a late night item post on Etsy I had accidentally written "Boobies With Bling", instead of, "Bobbies With Bling"!!!! Of course, the night before I had been totally proud of my new creations so naturally I posted my new item all over every social networking site I could think of!! I had over 20 facebook comments and many more "thumbs up" about this.

To make it worse a bunch of my husband's friends sent him private messages on facebook telling him that I was selling boobies with bling and how could they get some for their wives! I have read many "How-To" books on selling online and they always say to make your listing titles exciting and attention getting but I took that to a whole new level this weekend!! 

These are the "Bobbies Formally Known As Boobies"
The moral of this story is- no matter how late at night it is...double check your spelling!!! That's some "good stuff" if I do say so myself!

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! The funniest story ever;)

    BTW I Love my new Minggus & Moob patch!! Just got it today in the mail... I was super excited;) Thank you!
