Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday Hike!!

Today was a wonderful Saturday spent away from almost all things Minggus and 
 Moob! Every aspiring artist needs an inspiration break now and again! Me, Jake and our friends Brian and Trisha all went on a hike today! We had lots of fun! Our destination was Whiskeytown Falls, near Redding, CA were we live. For more information about this check out this totally rad book!

 All beautiful and ready for the hike!

 Trisha always ready for the goofy shot.. me I'm like never ready! 
I always seem to be doing something doofy!

 Can you say Heath Family
Christmas Card!!! 
Ok, I know we are in tank tops.

Trisha and I put smiles on our faces, (not feeling quite so beautiful) 
for this shot, we were just a touch winded! The picture
does not do a good job of showing how steep it
really was.

Almost to the top!

Jake always brings his bendy leg tri-pod
for our camera. Jake is a master at setting it up
on weird places to take a group shot! I was afraid it would
fall into the water or he wouldn't be able to get back 
to us in time to be in the picture...but like always he 
just made it. :)

 The famous Jake one handed shot!

 The famous Jake one handed shot... that almost
misses me!


 The falls were spilling more water
then Trisha had ever seen before!

 Brian always look so

I thought we were at the top! We were only at the first top!
You can hike above the falls and see more, of course the
guys were ready to climb up higher! Trisha and I just smiled
and kept following them up. :)

Sigh, the real top!! We made it!!

Monday I will annouce who won the Minggus and Moob
Headband Giveaway so come back soon!!
I hope you all have a great weekend filled with 
adventures and "good stuff"!!



  1. Ha said "rad!" Those pictures are beautiful...I can't believe I never went while I lived in Redding!

  2. Don't feel bad, they're "newly discovered"! :)
